Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The beginner begins

I have an amateurish interest in digital photography. Just about learnt the basics. Will publish here pictures I have taken and which I felt I ought not to delete rightaway. If any good photographs do come out, it might be more due to chance than to deliberation on my part :-) So some photos might be great and some might look atrocious to the professional eye. As the title of the blog indicates, this is a dilettanteish attempt.

- Paritosh


Anonymous said...

Hi Paritosh,
I'm not a professional photographer, not even an amatuer but simply have interest in photography. Some of your pictures are very nice, I love the one at Bhushi dam. Keep up the good work!

Anu Mukherjee

Paritosh Uttam said...

Thank you for your appreciation.