Monday, September 25, 2006

More wasps

Wasp. Photograph by Paritosh Uttam
My house sure looks like a wasp-y place! Same nest, different wasp (not a yellowjacket as seen in an earlier pic.) I am more pleased with the second photo: yet another wasp, this time on the tinted window of my car. I wasn't expecting the reflections to come out so clearly. Guess I got lucky.

Wasp on car window. Photograph by Paritosh Uttam

Monday, September 11, 2006

Clouds - I

cloud. Photograph by Paritosh Uttam

For some reason, I am getting fascinated by clouds these days. One subject here which looks good when backlit. I am not yet at the level where I can classify clouds as cumulus or nimbus, but hope to learn that soon. In the second pic, would have liked the cottony clouds on the left side to cover the full scene, but unfortunately they were obscured by the nimbus on the right (there, showing off my new learnt cloud knowledge ;-)

Update: Since I am so hooked on to clouds, have decided to have my cloud pics on a separate place. Visit Cloudland by Paritosh Uttam

Photograph by Paritosh Uttam
Photograph by Paritosh Uttam